Service Availability Report

Know All The Business Telecom Options For Any Office

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Every Building is Different

Is your business looking for internet options? Available providers and speeds? Need to know the installation time frame to meet a deadline? Or better yet, product pricing? Knowing this information for a workspace is essential.

Our Service Availability Report is entirely free. 

BandwidthSolutions introduces a one-page document that lays out all communication options for any business address. The information includes pricing for four types of internet speeds; five business phone solutions, and options for cloud integrations. 

What is a Service Availability Report?


The list of includes a number of available options including internet speeds, business phone solutions, and cloud integrations.


Compares the service providers who are LIT and servicing the building with providers that can be brought in with no installation charges.


For each service, we detail price estimates, brief product descriptions, reliability rating, install time-frame - All critical factors.

Lookup Your Office Address

The Service Availability Report summarizes business communication options for a specific office location. In short, the basic outline makes building comparisons simple.

Request A Service Availability Report for Your Business

service availability report

Already Have Business Services?

If you are still in a contract with a provider we can go over options to switch your services when the contract is up. In fact, some providers even offer to pay for your contract termination fees just to switch over to their services.

We can run a free bill analysis to see what you are actually utilizing and what can be improved. As technology changes, it’s nice to have experts in your back pocket to give you service updates and cost-effective enhancements.

Optimize Your Potential

Stop overpaying for your telecommunication services! Your business is unique, and it does not make sense to sign up for canned solutions that charge you for things you do not need. 

BandwidthSolutions can fine tune your data, voice, cloud and internet services. Then, match options that make you more effective and productive.

Stay Connected

Organizations are in constant communication. With this in mind, we know the solutions you need.

Think Ahead

As the world of business transitions to the cloud, we help you stay in front of the competition.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

Find Business Internet

Need bandwidth? Certainly, we can find you a variety of cost-effective options.

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Integrate Business Phones

With the latest technology, your business will save money while users are "always on."

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Move to The Cloud

Don't be intimidated. With our experts, your company will be online within 2 weeks!

Help Your Business
Grow Smarter

Let's Step Forward together

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Most of our business customers come to us because they are unhappy with their current telecom services.

Further, they need help finding cost-effective solutions specifically for their business. Unfortunately, this can’t be solved by calling a provider and asking what services they offer.

With this goal in mind, we dive deep to understand your business needs before throwing out a random list of products for you to sort through. 

Our Service Availability Report shows you a quick cost comparison at your fingertips.

Finding Solutions

The Provider

Limited to options based on what they can supply. They won’t offer products from other carriers.

Sales reps drive the price up to reach their sales quota. Simply, because there is no competition.

Generally, they earn commissions and bonuses based on their sales – not the customers they keep.


With our Service Availability Report, access to ALL solution options in ALL our provider’s product portfolios available in your area.

With no quota, we have the freedom to offer the lowest pricing. In the meantime, Price is driven down by competing providers.

Our sole purpose is happy clients . Also, We earn based on the provider’s monthly bill – which will never affect your cost.

Provisioning Your Order

The Provider

You are directed to people whose sole job is the current step and wont hear from them after.

Hard-to-follow processes. Generally, providers don’t take time to explain things.

Frequent order delays, namely due to missed emails or non-responses for various reasons. 

Provider reps will randomly contact you, as the customer, during provisioning with no roadmaps to follow. It’s all guesswork that you have to stay on top of.


A dedicated account manager is your one point of contact available throughout your contract term. 

As your liason, we handle questions, issues, and clearly tell you what is going on.

Our dedicated team brings order issues all the way to the VP of sales when it’s necessary.

As industry experts with long-term relations, we know who to contact and when. Orders run smoothly, and you don’t have to do the work.

One Contact, One Quote, Up to 10 Providers

All information submitted to BandwidthSolutions is kept confidential.
You will be only by one person at BandwidthSolutions and never a 3rd party.